Opening Report
Database: 2000 (2,061,634 games)
Report: 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 cxd4 (13 games)
ECO: C07i [French: Tarrasch, Open, 4.exd5]
Generated by Scid 3.1, 2007.03.04
1. Statistics and History
1.1 Statistics
Games 1-0 =-= 0-1 Score
All report games 13 10 3 0 88.4%
Both rated 2600+ 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Both rated 2500+ 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Both rated 2400+ 1 1 0 0 100.0%
Both rated 2300+ 1 1 0 0 100.0%
Since 1996.01.01 7 6 1 0 92.8%
Since 1998.01.01 7 6 1 0 92.8%
Since 2000.01.01 2 2 0 0 100.0%
Since 2001.01.01 2 2 0 0 100.0%
1.2 Oldest games
1: 1-0(30) Foltys -- Opocensky, Prague CZE 1937 [8]
2: =-=(36) Fine -- Yanofsky, Canada 1940 [5]
3: 1-0(67) Jehle -- Janke, Jedesheim 1991 [6]
4: 1-0(63) Berelovich 2285 -- Gasthofer, Smolensk RUS 1992 [4]
5: 1-0(38) Foygel -- Xanthos, 43rd New Hampshire O 1993 [9]
1.3 Newest games
1: 1-0(48) Fernandez de Pablo 2209 -- Balado Saez 2264, Burgos ESP 2003.11.01 [1]
2: 1-0(48) Fernandez de Pablo 2209 -- Bolado Saez 2264, Burgos 2003.11.01 [1]
3: 1-0(21) Van Wieringen 2457 -- Oortwijn 2400, Russia 1999 [10]
4: 1-0(21) Wieringen -- Oortwijn, Rusakov Memorial 1999 [10]
5: 1-0(33) Maia 2165 -- Barros 2000, Rio de Janeiro BRA 1999 [2]
1.4 Current popularity
Year 1800-99 1900-49 1950-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09
Once every X games --- 11035 --- --- --- 108627 306254
Frequency in all years: once every 158587 games
In the 10 years to today: once every 126614 games (up 25% from all years)
In the 5 years to today: once every 158765 games (no change from all years)
In the 1 year to today: once every 0 games (no change from all years)
1.5 Most frequent players (White)
1: 1 1999 100% 2457 Van Wieringen, Cornelius A [10]
2: 1 1992 100% 2285 Berelovich, Aleksandar [4]
3: 1 2003 100% 2209 Fernandez de Pablo, Miguel Angel [1]
4: 1 2003 100% 2209 Fernandez de Pablo, Miguel A [1]
5: 1 1999 100% 2165 Maia, Marco Aurelio Ferre [2]
6: 1 1998 100% 2140 Chojnacki, Krzysztof [7]
1.6 Most frequent players (Black)
1: 1 1999 0% 2400 Oortwijn, Ron A [10]
2: 1 2003 0% 2264 Bolado Saez, Sergio [1]
3: 1 2003 0% 2264 Balado Saez, Sergio [1]
4: 1 1999 0% 2000 Barros, Juvencio Antonio [2]
5: 1 1937 0% Opocensky, Karel [8]
6: 1 1940 50% Yanofsky, Daniel A [5]
2. Ratings and Performance
2.1 Average ratings and performance
White rating: 2244 (6 games); White performance: 2982 (100% vs 2232)
Black rating: 2232 (4 games); Black performance: 1494 (0% vs 2244)
2.2 Games with highest average rating
1: =-=(36) Fine -- Yanofsky, Canada 1940 [5]
2: 1-0(30) Foltys -- Opocensky, Prague CZE 1937 [8]
3: 1-0(21) Van Wieringen 2457 -- Oortwijn 2400, Russia 1999 [10]
4: 1-0(38) Foygel -- Xanthos, 43rd New Hampshire O 1993 [9]
5: 1-0(63) Berelovich 2285 -- Gasthofer, Smolensk RUS 1992 [4]
6: 1-0(21) Wieringen -- Oortwijn, Rusakov Memorial 1999 [10]
7: =-=(14) Jianu -- Gruca, Herculane 1994 [3]
8: 1-0(48) Fernandez de Pablo 2209 -- Balado Saez 2264, Burgos ESP 2003 [1]
3. Result Trends
3.1 Result lengths and frequencies
Score Game length Frequency
1-0 =-= 0-1 1-0 =-= 0-1
Report games 88.4% 40 26 0 76.9% 23.0% 0.0%
All games 54.4% 40 36 41 37.1% 34.6% 28.2%
3.2 Shortest White wins
1: 1-0(21) Van Wieringen 2457 -- Oortwijn 2400, Russia 1999 [10]
2: 1-0(21) Wieringen -- Oortwijn, Rusakov Memorial 1999 [10]
3: 1-0(30) Foltys -- Opocensky, Prague CZE 1937 [8]
4: 1-0(33) Maia 2165 -- Barros 2000, Rio de Janeiro BRA 1999 [2]
5: 1-0(34) Chojnacki 2140 -- Innab, Malmo SWE 1998 [7]
3.3 Shortest Black wins
4. Moves and Themes
4.1 Move orders reaching the report position
There was only one move order reaching this position:
1: 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 cxd4 (13)
4.2 Moves from the report position
Move ECO Frequency Score AvElo Perf AvYear
1: Bb5+ 9: 69.2% 88.8% 1983
2: dxe6 2: 15.3% 75.0% 1997
3: Ngf3 2: 15.3% 100.0% 2003
TOTAL: 13:100.0% 88.4% 1988
4.3 Positional Themes
Frequency of themes at move 12:
Same-side castling: 46% Isolated Queen Pawn: 38%
Opposite castling: 0% White Pawn on 5/6/7th rank: 0%
Both Kings uncastled: 31% Black Pawn on 2/3/4th rank: 54%
Kingside pawn storm: 0% Open c/d/e file: 69%
Queens exchanged: 31% Only one side has Bishop pair: 15%
4.4 Endgames
Material at the end of each game:
Report games 8% 15% 23% 38% 0% 0% 0% 15%
All games 2% 10% 9% 26% 2% 4% 4% 43%
5. Theory Table
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 cxd4: +10 =3 -0 (11.5/13: 88%)
| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
1 |
Ngf3 Qxd5 |
Bc4 Qd8 |
OO Nc6 |
Nb3 Nf6 |
Nbxd4 Bd7 |
b3 Be7 |
Bb2 OO |
Qe2 Qa51 |
2: 100% |
2 |
dxe6 Bxe6 |
Ngf3 Nc6 |
Be22 g6 |
OO Bg7 |
Re1 Nge7 |
Nb3 Bxb3 |
axb3 OO |
Bd3 Qc73 |
2: 75% |
3 |
Bb5+ Nc6 |
Ngf3 Bd64 |
OO exd5 |
Nxd4 Bd7 |
N2f3 Nge7 |
Be3 OO |
c3 Nxd4 |
Nxd4 Nf55 |
2: 75% |
4 |
... Bd7 |
dxe6 Qe7 |
Bxd7+ Nxd7 |
Ngf36 Qxe6+ |
Qe2 Qxe2+ |
Kxe2 Ngf6 |
Nxd4 Bc5 |
N2b3 OO7 |
2: 100% |
5 |
... ... |
... fxe6 |
Bc48 Qa5 |
Nf3 Nc6 |
OO e5 |
Ng5 Nh6 |
Ne6 Bxe6 |
Bxe6 Nd89 |
3: 83% |
6 |
... ... |
... ... |
... Nc6 |
Ngf3 Nf6 |
Qe2 Bd6 |
Bxe6 Bxe6 |
Qxe6+ Qe7 |
Qxe7+ Bxe710 |
2: 100% |
- 13.a3 Rad8 1-0(48) Fernandez de Pablo 2209 -- Balado Saez 2264, Burgos ESP 2003;
1-0(48) Fernandez de Pablo 2209 -- Bolado Saez 2264, Burgos 2003.
- 7.Bb5 a6 8.Ba4 b5 9.Bb3 a5 10.Bxe6 fxe6 11.Qe2 Qd5 12.OO Nf6 13.Re1 Kf7 1-0(33) Maia 2165 -- Barros 2000, Rio de Janeiro BRA 1999.
- 13.Bg5 h6 =-=(14) Jianu -- Gruca, Herculane 1994.
- 6...exd5 7.OO Bd6 8.Nb3 Ne7 9.Nbxd4 OO 10.Bd3 Nxd4 11.Nxd4 Nc6 12.Nf5 Bxf5 13.Bxf5 Qf6 1-0(63) Berelovich 2285 -- Gasthofer, Smolensk RUS 1992.
- 13.Nxf5 Bxf5 =-=(36) Fine -- Yanofsky, Canada 1940.
- 8.Qe2 Qxe6 9.Ngf3 Qxe2+ 10.Kxe2 Ngf6 11.Nxd4 a6 12.Re1 Rc8 13.Kf1+ Kd8 1-0(67) Jehle -- Janke, Jedesheim 1991.
- 13.Rd1 Rfe8+ 1-0(34) Chojnacki 2140 -- Innab, Malmo SWE 1998.
- 7.Bd3 Nf6 8.Ngf3 Nc6 9.OO Bd6 10.Nc4 Bc7 11.Qe2 OO 12.Nce5 Be8 13.Bf4 Nxe5 1-0(30) Foltys -- Opocensky, Prague CZE 1937.
7.Qh5+ g6 8.Qe2 Bxb5 9.Qxb5+ Qd7 10.Qe2 Nc6 11.Ngf3 Nb4 12.Nc4 d3 13.cxd3 Nxd3+ =-=(28) Joseph -- Celestini, ICCF EM/C/B007 1998.
- 13.Bb3 Ndf7 1-0(38) Foygel -- Xanthos, 43rd New Hampshire O 1993.
- 13.OO OOO 1-0(21) Van Wieringen 2457 -- Oortwijn 2400, Russia 1999;
1-0(21) Wieringen -- Oortwijn, Rusakov Memorial 1999.