Opening Report
Database: 2000 (2,061,634 games)
Report: 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nf6 3.cxd5 (367 games)
ECO: D06h [QGD: Marshall Defence, 3.cxd5]
Generated by Scid 3.1, 2006.05.08
1. Statistics and History
1.1 Statistics
Games 1-0 =-= 0-1 Score
All report games 367 251 65 51 77.2%
Both rated 2600+ 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Both rated 2500+ 1 0 1 0 50.0%
Both rated 2400+ 5 3 2 0 80.0%
Both rated 2300+ 15 9 5 1 76.6%
Since 1996.01.01 196 136 39 21 79.3%
Since 1998.01.01 149 105 31 13 80.8%
Since 2000.01.01 94 66 19 9 80.3%
Since 2001.01.01 74 53 15 6 81.7%
1.2 Oldest games
1: 0-1(58) Mason -- Riemann, Hamburg GER 1885 [13]
2: =-=(29) Englisch -- Taubenhaus, Frankfurt GER 1887 [14]
3: =-=(56) Steinitz -- Gunsberg, ? 1890 [93]
4: 0-1(34) Pillsbury -- Marshall, Montreal CAN 1893 [13]
5: 1-0(37) Janowski -- Cohn, Munich GER 1900 [93]
1.3 Newest games
1: 1-0(30) Marchand 2269 -- Stolfa, Arco ITA 2005.10.25 [40]
2: 1-0(35) Armanda 2343 -- Bradaric 2109, Omis 2005.10.11 [84]
3: 1-0(34) Jankovic 2446 -- Bradaric 2109, Omis 2005.10.10 [13]
4: 1-0(28) Stodolova 2025 -- Stepanek 2068, Prague CZE 2005.09.18 [79]
5: 1-0(59) Struik 2206 -- Berg 2157, Hengelo NED 2005.08.10 [93]
1.4 Current popularity
Year 1800-99 1900-49 1950-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09
Once every X games 1464 1471 4676 5617 10068 5091 6516
Frequency in all years: once every 5617 games
In the 10 years to today: once every 5549 games (up 1% from all years)
In the 5 years to today: once every 7169 games (down 21% from all years)
In the 1 year to today: once every 6556 games (down 13% from all years)
1.5 Most frequent players (White)
1: 6 1995-1999 75% 2145 Kovacs, Tamas [16,68,74,89,99]
2: 5 1923-1933 100% Alekhine, Alexander A [1,72,76,85,88]
3: 3 1994-2004 100% 2345 Rama, Lorenc [19,25]
4: 2 1995-1996 100% 2459 Gonzalez, Alberto H [41,58]
5: 2 1991-1994 100% 2435 Grabarczyk, Miroslaw [64,107]
6: 2 1988-2000 100% 2415 Litynska, Marta [89,105]
1.6 Most frequent players (Black)
1: 4 1992-1997 38% 2255 Krajnak, Martin [35,93,97]
2: 4 1960-1962 50% Letelier, Rene [52,54,59,79]
3: 3 1997-2005 0% 2210 Bradaric, Ratomir [13,84,99]
4: 3 1999-2002 33% 2209 Vager, Igor [92,99,106]
5: 3 1992-1996 0% 2165 Palasti, Ferenc [25]
6: 3 2003 67% 2030 Riepe, Bernhard [25]
2. Ratings and Performance
2.1 Average ratings and performance
White rating: 2259 (237 games); White performance: 2400 (79% vs 2170)
Black rating: 2170 (176 games); Black performance: 2008 (19% vs 2259)
2.2 Games with highest average rating
1: 0-1(45) Euwe -- Bogoljubow, Scheveningen NED 1928 [25]
2: 1-0(30) Alekhine -- Marshall, Baden-Baden GER 1925 [88]
3: =-=(56) Steinitz -- Gunsberg, ? 1890 [93]
4: 0-1(34) Pillsbury -- Marshall, Montreal CAN 1893 [13]
5: =-=(41) Saemisch -- Alekhine, Carlsbad CZE 1923 [105]
6: =-=(60) Flohr -- Sultan Khan, London ENG 1932 [80]
7: 0-1(53) Marshall -- Gunsberg, Monte Carlo MNC 1902 [93]
8: =-=(61) Najdorf 2525 -- Ljubojevic 2565, Manila PHI 1973 [52]
3. Result Trends
3.1 Result lengths and frequencies
Score Game length Frequency
1-0 =-= 0-1 1-0 =-= 0-1
Report games 77.2% 33 40 41 68.3% 17.7% 13.8%
All games 54.4% 40 36 41 37.1% 34.6% 28.2%
3.2 Shortest White wins
1: 1-0(11) Boom 2430 -- Bouchez 2392, Sweden 1999 [7]
2: 1-0(11) Castro Molero 2234 -- Fernandez Pintado 2015, Barceloneta 2002 [8]
3: 1-0(12) Zlender -- Sustarsic, Slovenia 1992 [43]
4: 1-0(12) De Haro -- Silva 2250, Guarapuava BRA 1992 [7]
5: 1-0(12) Ponomarev 2392 -- Pereira, ICCF email 2000 [48]
3.3 Shortest Black wins
1: 0-1(10) Carlhammar 2280 -- Karlsson, Goteborg SWE 1992 [35]
2: 0-1(14) Ploehn -- Bau, IECG email 1996 [38]
3: 0-1(21) Foulon -- Gomez Esteban, Dubai UAE 1986 [99]
4: 0-1(24) Huss 2255 -- Lebermann, Hofbieber 1996 [74]
5: 0-1(24) Fairbairn 2052 -- Wilson 2072, Geneva SUI 2005 [52]
4. Moves and Themes
4.1 Move orders reaching the report position
There were 4 move orders reaching this position:
1: 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nf6 3.cxd5 (191)
2: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 d5 3.cxd5 (158)
3: 1.c4 Nf6 2.d4 d5 3.cxd5 (12)
4: 1.c4 d5 2.cxd5 Nf6 3.d4 (6)
4.2 Moves from the report position
Move ECO Frequency Score AvElo Perf AvYear
1: Nxd5 D06i 265: 72.2% 76.9% 2178 2053 1990
2: Qxd5 80: 21.7% 76.2% 2150 2045 1990
3: g6 8: 2.1% 87.5% 1990
4: e6 5: 1.3% 80.0% 1985
5: Bf5 5: 1.3% 90.0% 1997
6: c6 4: 1.0% 75.0% 1985
TOTAL: 367:100.0% 77.2% 2170 2047 1990
4.3 Positional Themes
Frequency of themes at move 10:
Same-side castling: 30% Isolated Queen Pawn: 5%
Opposite castling: 0% White Pawn on 5/6/7th rank: 31%
Both Kings uncastled: 36% Black Pawn on 2/3/4th rank: 7%
Kingside pawn storm: 0% Open c/d/e file: 25%
Queens exchanged: 8% Only one side has Bishop pair: 12%
4.4 Endgames
Material at the end of each game:
Report games 2% 9% 6% 29% 1% 3% 3% 46%
All games 2% 10% 9% 26% 2% 4% 4% 43%
5. Theory Table
1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nf6 3.cxd5: +251 =65 -51 (283.5/367: 77%)
| 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
1 |
cxd5 g61 |
Qa4+2 Nbd73 |
Nc3 Bg7 |
e4 OO |
Nf3 a6 |
Qb34 Nb6 |
Be2 Re8 |
OO e65 |
22: 84% |
2 |
... Qxd5 |
Nc36 Qd87 |
Nf38 e69 |
e4 Be710 |
Bc411 c6 |
Qe2 Qc7 |
Bg5 Re812 |
15: 80% |
3 |
... ... |
... ... |
e4 e613 |
Nf314 Be715 |
Bd3 b616 |
Qe217 Bb7 |
Bg5 Nbd718 |
18: 67% |
4 |
... ... |
... Qa5 |
Bd219 c620 |
e421 Qb622 |
d523 g6 |
Bc4 Bg7 |
Nf3 Bg4 |
Bb3 Nbd724 |
19: 82% |
5 |
... ... |
... ... |
Nf3 e625 |
Bd226 Bb427 |
e4 Nbd728 |
Bd3 c5 |
OO Bxc3 |
Bxc3 Qc729 |
28: 77% |
6 |
... Nxd5 |
Nc330 e631 |
Nf332 Bb433 |
Bd2 c6 |
e3 OO |
Bd3 Nd7 |
OO Bd6 |
a3 Re834 |
9: 89% |
7 |
... ... |
Nf3 c635 |
e436 Nf6 |
Nc3 e637 |
Bd3 c538 |
OO Nc6 |
Bf4 a6 |
dxc5 Bxc539 |
23: 74% |
8 |
... ... |
... Bf5 |
Qb340 Nc641 |
Nbd2 Nb642 |
e4 Bg643 |
d5 Nb8 |
a4 a5 |
Ne5 Qd644 |
17: 82% |
9 |
... ... |
... e6 |
e445 Nf646 |
Nc347 Be748 |
Bd349 Nbd750 |
e5 Nd5 |
Ne4 h651 |
27: 85% |
10 |
... ... |
... g6 |
e452 Nb653 |
h354 Bg7 |
Nc355 OO |
Be256 Nc657 |
d558 Nb8 |
a4 c659 |
21: 55% |
11 |
... ... |
... ... |
... ... |
Nc3 Bg760 |
h361 OO62 |
Be263 c5 |
dxc5 N6d7 |
Be3 Qa564 |
7: 71% |
12 |
... ... |
e4 Nb665 |
Nf366 Bg467 |
Be268 e669 |
OO Be7 |
Be3 N8d770 |
Nc3 OO |
Rc1 Rc871 |
18: 78% |
13 |
... ... |
... ... |
Nc3 e672 |
Nf373 Be774 |
Bd375 OO76 |
OO77 N8d7 |
Bf4 c5 |
Nb5 a678 |
26: 67% |
14 |
... ... |
... ... |
... g6 |
Be379 Bg7 |
h380 OO |
Nf3 c681 |
Be282 Be6 |
OO Bc483 |
23: 76% |
15 |
... ... |
... Nf6 |
Bd384 e585 |
dxe5 Ng4 |
Nf386 Nc6 |
Bg587 Be7 |
Bxe7 Qxe7 |
Nc3 Ncxe588 |
16: 84% |
16 |
... ... |
... ... |
Nc3 c689 |
h390 e6 |
Nf3 Be791 |
Bd3 OO |
OO Nbd7 |
Qe2 Re892 |
16: 84% |
17 |
... ... |
... ... |
... e5 |
Nf393 exd4 |
Qxd494 Qxd4 |
Nxd4 Bb495 |
f3 c696 |
Bg597 Nbd798 |
22: 75% |
18 |
... ... |
... ... |
... e6 |
Nf399 Be7100 |
Bc4101 OO102 |
OO b6103 |
e5 Nd5 |
Ne4 Bb7104 |
24: 75% |
19 |
... ... |
... ... |
... ... |
... ... |
Bd3 OO105 |
OO106 Nc6107 |
Re1108 Nb4 |
Bb1 c5109 |
16: 94% |
- 3...e6 4.dxe6 Bxe6 5.Nc3 Bb4 6.Bg5 c5 7.e3 Qa5 8.Ne2 Ne4 9.f3 Nxg5 10.h4 Nxf3+ 11.gxf3 cxd4 0-1(25) Haeberle -- Southwell, ICCF corr 1994;
6...Nc6 7.e3 h6 8.Bh4 g5 9.Bg3 Ne4 10.Ne2 Qe7 11.a3 Bxc3+ 1-0(49) Leeuw -- Foch, KO-232.2.1 corr 1998;
6.Nf3 OO 7.Bg5 h6 8.Bh4 Bf5 9.e3 Nbd7 10.Bd3 Bxd3 11.Qxd3 Re8 1-0(37) Alekhine -- Manning, Washington, DC USA 1933;
6.a3 Bxc3+ 7.bxc3 OO 8.Nf3 Re8 9.Bg5 Nc6 10.e3 Qd5 11.Bxf6 gxf6 1-0(27) Meier -- Harkins, CServe email 1996;
5...c5 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.e3 Be7 8.Bb5 OO 9.Bxc6 bxc6 10.Bd2 Bg4 11.dxc5 Bxc5 1-0(66) Da Silva -- Briao, Brazil CXEB 2002.
3...Bf5 4.Qa4+ Nbd7 5.Nc3 a6 6.f3 b5 7.Qb3 e5 8.dxe5 Nxe5 9.e4 Bg6 10.Be3 Nfd7 11.Nh3 Nc5 1-0(67) Vlasov -- Shalaev 2096, Novaya Ladoga 2001;
4...Qd7 5.Qxd7+ Nbxd7 6.Nc3 Nb6 7.f3 Nbxd5 8.Nxd5 Nxd5 9.e4 Nb4 10.Kd1 Bd7 11.Bf4 e6 =-=(22) Hudec 2050 -- Ochrana 2000, Slovakia 1994;
4.Nc3 Nxd5 5.Nxd5 Qxd5 6.f3 Bg6 7.e4 Qd7 8.h4 h6 9.Bc4 Nc6 10.Ne2 Rd8 11.h5 Bh7 1-0(33) Ruecker -- Baensch, GER 1996;
5.Qb3 e6 6.Nf3 Bb4 7.Bd2 OO 8.a3 Bxc3 9.bxc3 Nc6 10.c4 Nf6 11.e3 b6 1-0(32) Spiegel 2165 -- Kerber, Austria 1998;
4.f3 Bxb1 5.Rxb1 Qxd5 6.a3 Nc6 7.e3 e6 8.Bd3 Rd8 9.Ne2 Qd7 10.OO Be7 11.Qb3 OO 1-0(36) Bodelon Rodriguez -- Duran Albareda, ESP 1995.
3...c6 4.dxc6 Nxc6 5.Nf3 e5 6.e3 Bb4+ 7.Bd2 Bxd2+ 8.Nbxd2 exd4 9.exd4 OO 10.Be2 Nxd4 11.OO Bf5 =-=(18) Udovcic -- Canal, Venice ITA 1953;
6...Bg4 7.Nc3 exd4 8.exd4 Bxf3 9.Qxf3 Nxd4 10.Qe3+ Be7 11.Bd3 OO 1-0(22) Naumkin 2500 -- Leoncini, Verona ITA 1995;
6...e4 7.Nfd2 Bd6 8.Be2 Bf5 9.Nc3 a6 10.a3 Rc8 11.Na4 OO =-=(56) Rybkin 2000 -- Staffelmayr 2138, IECG email 1999;
5.e3 e5 6.dxe5 Qxd1+ 7.Kxd1 Ng4 8.Ke1 Nb4 9.Na3 Nxe5 10.Nf3 Ned3+ 11.Bxd3 Nxd3+ 1-0(49) Stoering 2220 -- Guenther, GER 1992.
- 4.Nc3 Nxd5 5.e4 Nxc3 6.bxc3 Bg7 7.Nf3 OO 8.Be2 c5 9.Rb1 cxd4 10.cxd4 Qa5+ 11.Bd2 Qxa2 1-0(22) Asis Gargatagli -- Parente Mojon, Sanxenxo 2004;
7...c5 8.Rb1 OO 9.Be2 Nc6 10.d5 Ne5 11.Nxe5 Bxe5 1-0(46) Bagonyai 2280 -- Wozny, Zalakaros 1992.
4.Nf3 Bg7 5.g3 OO 6.Bg2 Nxd5 7.OO c5 8.e4 Nf6 9.e5 Nd5 10.Nc3 cxd4 11.Qxd4 Nxc3 =-=(29) Ladanyi 2215 -- Kis 2145, Budapest HUN 1998.
4.g3 Qxd5 5.Nf3 Bg7 6.Bg2 OO 7.OO Qh5 8.Qb3 c5 9.dxc5 Na6 10.c6 bxc6 11.Nc3 Nc5 1-0(15) Lopez Rodriguez 2175 -- Garcia Gonzalez 2002, Asturias 2001.
- 4...c6 5.dxc6 Nxc6 6.e3 Bg7 7.Nf3 OO 8.Be2 Nd5 9.Nc3 e5 10.dxe5 Nxc3 11.bxc3 Nxe5 =-=(92) Duarte 2350 -- Berrocal 2320, Santiago CHI 1987.
- 8.Bd3 b5 9.Qb3 Nb6 10.Bf4 Nh5 11.Be3 Bb7 1-0(23) Soos -- Benitez, Havana CUB 1966.
8.Be2 b5 9.Qb3 Nb6 10.Bf4 Rb8 11.Qc2 Bb7 1-0(42) Padua 2230 -- Morais Pinto 2123, Cabo Frio BRA 1984.
- 11.dxe6 Bxe6 1-0(38) Hoelzl 2350 -- Pilz 2300, Austria 1989.
- 4.Nf3 e6 5.Nc3 Bb4 6.Qa4+ Nc6 7.Bd2 Qf5 8.Nb5 Bxd2+ 9.Nxd2 Ng4 10.f3 Ne3 11.Kf2 Ng4+ 0-1(29) Schuster 2255 -- Sapienza 2186, Ezeiza 2000;
4...c5 5.Nc3 Qd8 6.e4 e6 7.e5 Nd5 8.Bg5 Nxc3 9.bxc3 Be7 10.h4 cxd4 11.cxd4 Qa5+ 1-0(25) Gubernatorova 2210 -- Kudina, Kolontaevo 1997;
4...Nc6 5.Nc3 Qd8 6.d5 Nb8 7.e4 c6 8.Qb3 Nbd7 9.e5 Nxd5 10.Nxd5 cxd5 11.e6 fxe6 1-0(27) Flores Honores 2235 -- Almendares 2010, Santiago CHI 1999.
- 4...Qh5 5.Nf3 Bg4 6.Qb3 Bc8 7.e4 Qa5 8.e5 Ne4 9.Qd5 Qxd5 10.Nxd5 Kd8 11.Bd3 Bf5 1-0(32) Rogoff 2520 -- Balinas 2440, Lone Pine, CA USA 1978;
6...Bxf3 7.exf3 b6 8.Nb5 Kd8 9.Bf4 Na6 10.Rc1 c5 11.Nxa7 Nd5 1-0(12) De Haro -- Silva 2250, Guarapuava BRA 1992;
5.Bf4 c6 6.Nf3 Nbd7 7.e4 Qa5 8.Bd3 e6 9.OO Be7 10.Qd2 OO 11.Nd5 Qd8 1-0(49) Potterat 2180 -- Kannenberg, Giessen 1994.
4...Qd6 5.e4 Qd8 6.Nf3 e6 7.Bd3 Be7 8.OO OO 9.Bf4 c5 10.dxc5 Bxc5 11.e5 1-0 Boom 2430 -- Bouchez 2392, Sweden 1999.
- 5.Bg5 c6 6.Nf3 e6 7.e4 Be7 8.Bd3 h6 9.Bxf6 gxf6 10.Qd2 Nd7 11.OOO Qa5 0-1(58) Soln -- Smuk 2310, Ljubljana 1992;
5...Nd5 6.Nf3 c6 7.e4 Nxc3 8.bxc3 Bg4 9.Bc4 f6 10.Ne5 Qa5 11.Qxg4 1-0 Castro Molero 2234 -- Fernandez Pintado 2015, Barceloneta 2002;
5...g6 6.Bxf6 exf6 7.e3 Bg7 8.Bc4 OO 9.Nge2 c6 10.OO Nd7 11.Qc2 Nb6 0-1(39) Dubinskaya 2015 -- Miziurko, Yalta UKR 1996.
- 5...Bf5 6.Bf4 e6 7.e3 Bd6 8.Bg5 Nbd7 9.Be2 h6 10.Bh4 c6 11.e4 g5 1-0(39) Radziewicz -- Moser, Bratislava SVK 1993.
5...g6 6.e4 Bg7 7.Bc4 OO 8.e5 Ne8 9.h3 c6 10.OO Nc7 11.Be3 Nd7 1-0(41) Baquero 2345 -- Djukanovic 2260, Belgrade SCG 1988.
- 6...c6 7.Bd3 Be7 8.OO a6 9.Bg5 Nbd7 10.Rc1 h6 11.Bh4 OO 1-0(60) Olsen 2200 -- Francis Edwards 2200, Skopje ol (Men) 1972.
- 7.Bd3 c5 8.e5 Nd5 9.Bd2 Nc6 10.dxc5 Bxc5 11.Qe2 Ba3 1-0(12) Lacoste -- Gaillard, France 1977.
- 11.Rac1 Nh5 1-0(29) Schaefer 2220 -- Martin, Bad Wiessee GER 1997.
- 5...e5 6.d5 Bd6 7.f4 exf4 8.Nf3 Bg4 9.Bd3 Nh5 10.OO Bc5+ 11.Kh1 Qf6 0-1(34) Pillsbury -- Marshall, Montreal CAN 1893;
6.Be3 Ng4 7.Nf3 Nxe3 8.fxe3 exd4 9.exd4 Be7 10.Bc4 Nc6 11.OO OO 0-1(58) Mason -- Riemann, Hamburg GER 1885;
6.Nf3 exd4 7.Qxd4 Qxd4 8.Nxd4 Bc5 9.Ndb5 Na6 10.Bf4 Bb6 11.f3 OO =-=(66) Blees 2350 -- Djukanovic 2260, Belgrade SCG 1988.
5...a6 6.g3 e6 7.Bg2 Be7 8.Nge2 OO 9.OO Nc6 10.f4 Rb8 11.h3 Bb4 1-0(34) Jankovic 2446 -- Bradaric 2109, Omis 2005.
5...h6 6.Nf3 e6 7.Be2 Be7 8.OO OO 9.Bf4 a6 10.Qd3 Nh7 11.Bd1 Ng5 =-=(19) Bramme -- Kaps, Rimavska Sobota SVK 1992.
5...g6 6.Nf3 Bg7 7.Bc4 OO 8.OO b6 9.Qb3 e6 10.e5 Ne8 11.Bg5 Qd7 1-0(26) Somodi 2132 -- Simon, Gyongyos 2002.
- 6.Bg5 Be7 7.Nf3 OO 8.Bd3 Nc6 9.e5 Nd5 10.h4 f6 11.Qe2 fxg5 0-1(35) Franssila 2269 -- Nyback 2084, Tampere 2003;
8...h6 9.Bh4 c6 10.OO Nbd7 11.Qc2 Re8 0-1(62) Pacheco -- Vujosevic 2075, Moscow RUS 1994;
7...c6 8.Bd3 h6 9.Bxf6 Bxf6 10.e5 Be7 11.Qe2 Nd7 1-0(30) Ribera Bazan 2159 -- Amor Alcaide 2136, La Pobla de Lillet ESP 2000;
7...Nc6 8.Be2 h6 9.Bf4 OO 10.OO a6 11.Rc1 Bb4 1-0(24) Wright -- Baraz 2056, Budapest HUN 1999;
6...h6 7.Bh4 Be7 8.Nf3 OO 9.Bc4 Nbd7 10.OO a6 11.Re1 b5 =-=(41) Cawdery -- Njobvu, Duisburg 1992.
6.Be3 Be7 7.Bd3 c5 8.dxc5 Nbd7 9.Qa4 OO 10.Rd1 Bxc5 11.e5 Nd5 =-=(29) Englisch -- Taubenhaus, Frankfurt GER 1887.
- 6...h6 7.Be2 Be7 8.OO OO 9.Bf4 b6 10.Qc2 c6 11.Rfd1 Bb7 1-0(43) Wukits 2320 -- Tong Li Da, Budapest HUN 2000.
6...b6 7.Bb5+ c6 8.Bd3 Bb7 9.OO Be7 10.Bg5 Nbd7 11.e5 Nd5 1-0(40) Moreno 2055 -- Navarro, Lima PER 1999.
- 7...Nc6 8.OO OO 9.Re1 Nb4 10.Bb1 c5 11.a3 Nc6 1-0(59) Kovacs 2145 -- Lovasz 2065, HUN 1997.
7...c5 8.OO cxd4 9.Bb5+ Bd7 10.Nxd4 a6 11.Bxd7+ Qxd7 1-0(42) Ochrana 2018 -- Androvic 2049, Bratislava SVK 2004.
- 8.Bf4 Bb7 9.Rc1 Bb4 10.Qa4+ Nc6 11.Bb5 OO 1-0(50) Andersen 2042 -- Christensen 2182, Esbjerg DEN 2004.
- 11.Rfe1 Re8 1-0(67) Medina Fontes 2225 -- Contessotto 2167, San Antonio de Padua 2001.
- 5.e3 e6 6.Bd3 c5 7.Nf3 Nc6 8.OO cxd4 9.exd4 Bd6 10.Nb5 Bb8 11.Bd2 Qd8 1-0(40) Rama 2345 -- Kasioura 2015, Athens VAR 1994;
1-0(40) Rama 2345 -- Kasioura 2015, Athens GRE 1994;
6.Bd2 c6 7.Nf3 Nbd7 8.Bd3 Be7 9.OO OO 10.Qc2 Qh5 11.Be2 Qg6 1-0(41) Krmelj 2045 -- Kosir 2005, Slovenia 1993.
- 5...Qb6 6.e3 e6 7.Nf3 Be7 8.Bd3 OO 9.OO Bd7 10.e4 Bc6 11.Qc2 g6 1-0(24) Lex -- Zundel, GER 1991;
6...Bd7 7.Qc2 e6 8.Nf3 Be7 9.Ne5 OO 10.Bd3 c5 11.dxc5 Qxc5 1-0(36) Juhasz -- Adrian 2058, Budapest HUN 2001;
6...Bf5 7.Na4 Qd6 8.Qb3 b6 9.Nf3 e6 10.a3 Qd8 11.Ne5 Be4 1-0(34) Balazs 2180 -- Kovacs 2150, Szekszard 1997;
6.Qc2 Nc6 7.e3 Nb4 8.Qb3 Be6 9.Bb5+ c6 10.Qxb4 cxb5 11.Qxb5+ Qxb5 1-0(24) Pravec 2175 -- Tkac 2210, Czech Republic 1999;
6.Nf3 e6 7.e4 Bb4 8.Bd3 Nc6 9.a3 Bxc3 10.bxc3 OO 11.e5 Nd5 1-0(38) Alonso -- S nchez, Yoplait A-Almansa R7 1983.
5...e6 6.e4 Bb4 7.Nf3 OO 8.a3 Bxc3 9.Bxc3 Qh5 10.Qc2 c6 11.Be2 Qg6 1-0(21) Martic 2288 -- Trtanj 2121, Rabac CRO 2004;
8.Bd3 Nbd7 9.e5 Nd5 10.a3 Nxc3 11.axb4 Nxd1 =-=(37) Englert -- Foerch, Bayern 2001.
5...e5 6.e4 Qb6 7.dxe5 Ng4 8.Qf3 Be6 9.Qg3 h5 10.Nh3 h4 11.Qd3 Nc6 =-=(13) Pitkaenen 2225 -- Moreira 2340, EM/M/A117 ICCF Email 2000;
6...c6 7.dxe5 Qxe5 8.f4 Qe6 9.Qc2 Bb4 10.Bd3 Qg4 11.Nge2 Nbd7 1-0(20) Rajkovic 2449 -- Kovacevic 2074, Indjija SCG 2004.
5...Nc6 6.e4 Qb6 7.Nf3 Nxd4 8.Qa4+ Nc6 9.Nd5 Nxd5 10.exd5 Qxb2 11.Rc1 Bd7 1-0(40) Rocabado 2020 -- Sapienza, San Jorge 1993.
- 6.Nf3 Qb6 7.Qc2 Bg4 8.e3 Nbd7 9.Bd3 e6 10.a3 Bd6 11.Ng5 Bh5 =-=(17) Lekic 2352 -- Markovic 2260, Herceg Novi YUG 2005;
6...Qc7 7.e4 Bg4 8.h3 Bxf3 9.Qxf3 e6 10.Bd3 Be7 11.OO Nbd7 1-0(27) Jelen 2420 -- Vodopivec 2010, Slovenia 1995.
- 6...e6 7.Nf3 Qd8 8.Qc2 Be7 9.Bd3 h6 10.OO Nbd7 11.Na4 a5 1-0(60) Wichmann 2284 -- Berenstein, Kiel GER 2001.
- 7.Nf3 Bg4 8.e5 Nd5 9.Na4 Qc7 10.Bd3 e6 11.Rc1 Bb4 1-0(34) Biriukov 2256 -- Sushkov 2275, Tula RUS 2004.
- 11.h3 Bxf3 0-1(50) Othman 2340 -- Cave, Olympiad Elista 1998;
0-1(50) Moussa -- Cave, Elista RUS 1998.
- 5...Nc6 6.Bd2 Qf5 7.Rc1 e6 8.e3 a6 9.Bc4 Bd6 10.Qe2 e5 11.d5 Ne7 =-=(30) Hoegerl -- Riepe 2030, DESC email 2003;
7.a3 Bd7 8.Rc1 e6 9.h3 Ne4 10.Nxe4 Qxe4 11.e3 Bd6 =-=(32) Krammer 2081 -- Riepe 2023, DESC email 2003;
7.e4 Nxe4 8.Nb5 Nxd2 9.Nxc7+ Kd8 10.Nxa8 Nxf3+ 11.Qxf3 Qxf3 0-1(38) Gretencord 2017 -- Riepe 2018, DESC email 2003;
6.e3 e5 7.d5 Nb4 8.Bb5+ c6 9.Qa4 Qxa4 10.Bxa4 b5 11.Bb3 Nd3+ 0-1(45) Euwe -- Bogoljubow, Scheveningen NED 1928;
6.d5 Nb4 7.Bd2 Nbxd5 8.Na4 Qa6 9.e4 Qe6 10.Nc5 Qb6 11.Nd3 e5 1-0(61) Malinin 2335 -- Pechenov, Tula RUS 1998.
5...Bf5 6.Qb3 Nbd7 7.Ne5 Nxe5 8.dxe5 Nd7 9.Qb5 Qxb5 10.Nxb5 OOO 11.Nxa7+ Kb8 1-0(30) Westin 2075 -- Owens 2120, C1.1999.0.00175 1999;
6...Qb6 7.Qxb6 axb6 8.Bf4 c6 9.Nh4 Bd7 10.e4 e6 11.Bd3 Be7 1-0(52) Zelba -- Blankenburg, Willingen 2001;
6.Ne5 c6 7.Qb3 Nd5 8.Bd2 Qb6 9.Nxd5 cxd5 10.Qxd5 Be6 11.Qf3 Qxb2 1-0(20) Rama 2335 -- Smailovic, Sozina SCG 2004;
10...e6 11.Qb3 Qxb3 =-=(58) Michenka 2344 -- Vaclavik, Czechia 1999;
6.Bd2 Qb6 7.Na4 Qd6 8.e3 Nbd7 9.Be2 c6 10.a3 a5 11.OO Ne4 1-0(28) Timar -- Palasti, Cseppko Kupa 1992.
5...c6 6.Ne5 Nbd7 7.Nc4 Qf5 8.f3 e5 9.e4 Qh5 10.Be3 exd4 11.Qxd4 Bc5 1-0(43) Horvath 2500 -- Palasti 2165, HUN 1995;
6.Qd2 Nbd7 7.Qg5 Qb6 8.e4 e6 9.Bd3 Be7 10.e5 Nd5 11.Qxg7 Rf8 1-0(14) Andersen -- Pedersen, Denmark 1984;
6.Bd2 Qc7 7.e4 e6 8.Bd3 Be7 9.Qc2 g6 10.OO Nbd7 11.Rfe1 e5 1-0(15) Berends -- Klein, DESC email 2003.
5...g6 6.Bd2 c6 7.e4 Qd8 8.Qb3 Bg7 9.e5 Nd5 10.Bc4 e6 11.Ne4 OO 1-0(48) Szeles 2290 -- Palasti 2165, HUN 1996;
6...Qb6 7.e3 Bg7 8.Ne5 OO 9.Bd3 Rd8 10.OO Nbd7 11.Nc4 Qe6 =-=(76) Hladecek -- Schmidtke, CIF GM-95-008B 1985.
5...c5 6.e3 cxd4 7.exd4 e6 8.Bc4 Be7 9.OO OO 10.Bd2 Qc7 11.Qe2 Nc6 1-0(34) Ostriker 2275 -- Moreira 2340, EM/M/A117 ICCF Email 2000;
6.dxc5 Qxc5 7.e4 Bg4 8.Bb5+ Nc6 9.Qa4 a6 10.Be3 Qd6 11.e5 axb5 1-0(18) Pap 2165 -- Sipka, Eger 1998.
5...Ne4 6.e3 e6 7.Qc2 Nxc3 8.Bd2 Bd7 9.Bxc3 Bb4 10.Bd3 Bb5 11.OO Bxd3 =-=(22) Baerwinkel -- Muranyi, Bad Duerkheim 1997;
6.Qc2 Nxc3 7.bxc3 Bf5 8.e4 Bxe4 9.Qxe4 Qxc3+ 10.Kd1 Nc6 11.Rb1 OOO 1-0(17) Berezjuk 2425 -- Kriz 2099, Frymburk 2002.
5...Nbd7 6.Bd2 e5 7.Qb3 exd4 8.Nb5 Qb6 9.Ng5 Ne5 10.f4 Nc6 11.Qxf7+ Kd8 1-0(22) Arreaga Orozco 2280 -- Szafranski 2308, Liape email 2002.
- 6.Qc2 Nbd7 7.Bd2 c6 8.e4 Bb4 9.Bd3 e5 10.a3 exd4 11.Nxd4 Ne5 1-0(20) Koltanowski -- Olland, The Hague NED 1925.
6.g3 c6 7.Bg2 Nbd7 8.OO Be7 9.e4 OO 10.Bf4 Rd8 11.Qc2 Nf8 1-0(38) Kanko 2231 -- Tuominen 2138, Finland 2002.
6.e3 Ne4 7.Qc2 Nxc3 8.bxc3 c6 9.Bd3 h6 10.OO Nd7 11.e4 Qc7 0-1(44) Bener 2065 -- Kaube, GER 1994.
- 6...Nbd7 7.e4 c6 8.Bc4 b5 9.Nxb5 Qb6 10.Nc3 c5 11.d5 exd5 0-1(27) Szabo -- Fichtl, Szczawno Zdroj 1957.
6...c6 7.e4 Nbd7 8.Bc4 Qh5 9.h3 Be7 10.Qc2 e5 11.g4 Nxg4 1-0(27) Roeder -- Kornrumpf, Hamburg GER 1969.
6...Nc6 7.e4 Bb4 8.Bd3 Bd7 9.OO Ne7 10.Ne5 c6 11.Nc4 Qc7 1-0(23) Rohde 2430 -- Solano, Chicago, IL USA 1983.
- 7...OO 8.Bd3 h6 9.OO Bxc3 10.bxc3 Qh5 11.Qe2 Nbd7 1-0(35) Kraai 2295 -- Selle, GER 1996.
- 11.dxc5 Qxc5 1-0(20) Cobo Arteaga -- Galeb, Havana CUB 1966.
- 4.g3 g6 5.Bg2 Bg7 6.e4 Nb6 7.Ne2 Nc6 8.d5 Ne5 9.h3 OO 10.OO e6 11.Nbc3 exd5 1-0(46) Yepez Obando -- Rojas Sepulveda, Quito/Guayaquil 1969;
7...c5 8.d5 e6 9.OO exd5 10.exd5 OO 11.Nbc3 Re8 =-=(35) Mitov -- Orev 2231, Sofia BUL 2004;
6.Nf3 c5 7.dxc5 Qa5+ 8.Nbd2 OO 9.OO Qxc5 10.Nb3 Qd6 11.e4 Nb6 1-0(32) Shariyazdanov 2525 -- Geroukalis, Athens GRE 1997;
4...e6 5.Bg2 c6 6.Nf3 Nd7 7.OO Be7 8.e4 N5f6 9.Nc3 OO 10.Bf4 Bb4 11.Qc2 h6 1-0(38) Bielmeier -- Schneider, Erlangen 1994.
- 4...g6 5.g3 Bg7 6.Bg2 Nxc3 7.bxc3 c5 8.Nf3 OO 9.OO Nc6 10.e3 Qc7 11.Ba3 cxd4 =-=(43) Nedimovic -- Skok 2125, Nova Gorica SLO 1997.
4...Nc6 5.e4 Nxc3 6.bxc3 e6 7.Nf3 Be7 8.Bd3 Bd7 9.Be3 a6 10.OO Na7 11.a4 c5 1-0(46) Boehm 2200 -- Jansson 2380, Brilon GER 1978.
- 5.e4 Ne7 6.Be3 a6 7.Rc1 Ng6 8.Nf3 Be7 9.Bd3 Nd7 10.Bb1 c6 11.a3 b5 1-0(23) Wasnetsky -- Klingen, Grossenbrode 1971.
- 5...Be7 6.e4 Nf6 7.Bd3 c5 8.dxc5 Bxc5 9.OO Nc6 10.e5 Ng4 11.Bf4 Qc7 1-0(17) Voiska 2305 -- Korou, Katerini 1993.
- 11.Rc1 N7b6 1-0(33) Ananchenko 2285 -- Gassij 2105, St Petersburg RUS 1998.
- 4...Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6 6.d5 Nb8 7.e4 c6 8.Bg5 h6 9.Bh4 Bg4 10.h3 Bh5 11.Bd3 a6 1-0(33) Riverol 2269 -- Villarreal 2029, Hotel del Lago 2002;
5...e6 6.e4 Be7 7.Bd3 c5 8.dxc5 Bxc5 9.Bg5 Be7 10.OO OO 11.Qe2 h6 0-1(57) Hahn -- Rilling 2092, Frankfurt GER 2000;
5...b6 6.e4 Bb7 7.Qc2 g6 8.Bb5+ c6 9.Bc4 Bg7 10.e5 Nd5 11.Nxd5 cxd5 1-0(23) Vodep 2015 -- Hernandez, C1.1998.0.00106 1998;
5...g6 6.e4 Bg7 7.Bc4 e6 8.Bg5 Qd7 9.Ne5 Qd6 10.Qf3 Nbd7 11.Nb5 Qb4+ 0-1(36) Szabo 2000 -- Varga 2000, Miskolc 1999;
5.g3 Nc6 6.Bg2 Bg4 7.Qa4 Qd7 8.Nbd2 e6 9.OO Bd6 10.Rd1 OO 11.Nc4 a6 1-0(40) Meier -- Mueller, Bendorf 2001.
4...Bg4 5.Ne5 Bh5 6.Qb3 Nb6 7.e3 e6 8.Nc3 N8d7 9.Nc4 Be7 10.Nxb6 Nxb6 11.Qb5+ Qd7 1-0(25) Naeckholm 2013 -- Olsson 2265, Norrbotten 2001;
1-0(25) Eriksson -- Naeckholm, Norrbottens DEN 2001;
7.Qh3 Bg6 8.Nxg6 fxg6 9.e3 N8d7 10.Bd3 e5 11.Bxg6+ hxg6 1-0(21) Browne 2495 -- Zelkind, USA 1987;
5...Nf6 6.Qb3 e6 7.Qxb7 Qxd4 8.Qc8+ Ke7 9.Qxb8 Qc5 10.Qb4 0-1 Carlhammar 2280 -- Karlsson, Goteborg SWE 1992;
5...Bf5 6.Nc3 Nxc3 7.bxc3 c6 8.Qb3 Be6 9.Qxb7 Nd7 10.Nxc6 Qc8 11.Qxc8+ Rxc8 1-0(26) Vinogradov 2210 -- Knopp, St Petersburg RUS 1992.
4...Nc6 5.e4 Nf6 6.Nc3 Bg4 7.d5 Bxf3 8.gxf3 Ne5 9.f4 Ng6 10.f5 Ne5 11.f4 Ned7 1-0(19) Lilienthal -- Koch, Madrid ESP 1934;
7...Ne5 8.Bb5+ c6 9.Nxe5 Bxd1 10.dxc6 a6 11.c7+ axb5 1-0(32) Neubert -- Lehmann, Bad Neustadt 1991;
6...e6 7.a3 g6 8.Bf4 Nh5 9.Be3 Be7 10.Be2 b6 11.Bb5 Bb7 1-0(47) Jambrich -- Machalova, Bratislava SVK 1996;
5...Nf4 6.Bxf4 Bg4 7.Bb5 Qd7 8.d5 OOO 9.Nc3 e6 10.dxc6 bxc6 11.Ba6+ Kb8 1-0(13) Martin Rueda -- Sanchez Guirado, IX TORNEO SAN VIATOR 1994.
4...c5 5.e4 Nf6 6.d5 e6 7.Nc3 exd5 8.e5 Nfd7 9.Qxd5 Be7 10.Bc4 OO 11.Qe4 Re8 =-=(27) Kottnauer -- Stoeckl, Vienna AUT 1947;
8...Ne4 9.Nxe4 dxe4 10.Qxd8+ Kxd8 11.Ng5 Be6 =-=(64) Obodchuk 2395 -- Krajnak, Bratislava SVK 1992.
- 5.Nc3 Bf5 6.e3 Nd7 7.Nxd5 cxd5 8.Qb3 Nb6 9.Ne5 a6 10.a4 Qc7 11.a5 Nd7 1-0(34) Punteri -- Coratella, Italy 1996.
5.g3 g6 6.Bg2 Bg7 7.OO OO 8.Nbd2 Nd7 9.e4 Nc7 10.Qc2 e5 11.dxe5 Nxe5 0-1(40) Krak 2109 -- Hanulak Stanislav 2136, Slovakia 2001.
- 6...Bg4 7.Be3 Qa5 8.Qc2 Nbd7 9.Nd2 e6 10.Bd3 h6 11.h3 Bh5 1-0(16) Schroeder 2170 -- Zapfl, Viernheim GER 1999.
6...g6 7.Bc4 Bg7 8.Qb3 OO 9.e5 Ng4 10.Bf4 e6 11.h3 Nh6 1-0(21) Friedrichs 2105 -- Mijatovic 2135, Dortmund GER 1998.
- 7...h6 8.OO Be7 9.Qe2 OO 10.e5 Nd5 11.Qe4 f5 1-0(21) Todorov 2365 -- Antonov, Bankia 1992.
7...Be7 8.OO OO 9.Qe2 Nbd7 10.a3 Qc7 11.Bg5 e5 0-1(14) Ploehn -- Bau, IECG email 1996.
- 11.Rc1 Be7 1-0(37) Urban 2440 -- Jonczyk, Nadole 1994.
- 5.Nbd2 Nf6 6.Qb3 b6 7.Ne5 Be6 8.Qa4+ Bd7 9.Qc2 e6 10.g3 c6 11.Bg2 Qc7 1-0(30) Marchand 2269 -- Stolfa, Arco ITA 2005;
6...Qd5 7.Qxd5 Nxd5 8.e4 Nb4 9.exf5 Nc2+ 10.Kd1 Nxa1 11.b3 g6 1-0(48) Pitkaenen 2182 -- Maciulewicz 2194, IECC email 1999;
6.g3 e6 7.Bg2 c6 8.OO Nbd7 9.h3 h6 10.Re1 Be7 11.b3 Ne4 =-=(13) Zambach 2200 -- Nielsen 2200, Hillerod 1979;
5...Nb6 6.e4 Bg6 7.h4 h6 8.h5 Bh7 9.b3 e6 10.Bb2 N8d7 11.Bd3 Nf6 1-0(47) Tsiganova 2249 -- Pikkmets Mikk 2032, Parnu EST 2002.
5.Nc3 e6 6.g3 Nxc3 7.bxc3 Be4 8.Bg2 Be7 9.OO OO 10.Qb3 c5 11.Ne5 Bxg2 =-=(48) Johner -- Marshall, Carlsbad CZE 1929;
6.e3 Nd7 7.Be2 Bd6 8.OO OO 9.Bd3 Bg4 10.h3 Bh5 11.Ne4 f5 0-1(54) Heuer -- Keres, Tartu 1953;
5...Nxc3 6.bxc3 c5 7.Qb3 Qc8 8.e3 Be6 9.d5 Bd7 10.Rb1 b6 11.Ne5 f6 1-0(27) Sinclair 2215 -- Gibbons, Hamilton 1998.
- 5...Nb6 6.Nc3 Bg4 7.Ne5 Be6 8.Qd1 N8d7 9.Nxd7 Bxd7 10.Bf4 e6 11.e4 Bd6 1-0(49) Gonzalez 2459 -- Gunnlaugsson 2403, Argentina 1995;
7.Ng5 e6 8.h3 Bf5 9.e4 Bg6 10.h4 Bh5 11.Nxe6 fxe6 1-0(27) Krumm -- Otte, GER 1996;
6...Be6 7.Qd1 g6 8.e4 Bg7 9.Be2 Bg4 10.Be3 OO 11.OO Nc6 1-0(51) Chopin -- Aymard, France 1997;
6...e6 7.e4 Bg6 8.Bf4 Bd6 9.Ne5 Bxe5 10.Bxe5 OO 11.Nb5 Na6 =-=(21) Aberbach 2299 -- Santiago, CAPA Email 1999.
5...e6 6.Nc3 Nxc3 7.bxc3 b6 8.g3 Be4 9.Bg2 Be7 10.Bb2 Qd6 11.OO OO =-=(19) Dyer -- Nemitz, ICCF corr 1995;
6.Bg5 Bb4+ 7.Nc3 Qd6 8.Bd2 OO 9.Rc1 Nc6 10.e3 Na5 11.Qd1 Nxc3 1-0(52) Ivanov 2433 -- Mackenzie 2116, Las Vegas, NV USA 2002.
- 6...Nf6 7.e4 Nxe4 8.d5 Nxd2 9.Bxd2 Nb8 10.Qxb7 Nd7 11.Nd4 Nc5 1-0(15) Pros Heras 2149 -- Reig Albero 2207, Tarragona 2000.
- 7...Bd7 8.d5 Nb8 9.a4 Bc8 10.Bb5+ N6d7 11.Ne5 f6 1-0(12) Zlender -- Sustarsic, Slovenia 1992.
- 11.Ndc4 Nxc4 1-0(38) Rawlings 2200 -- Dunn 2200, ICCF email 1998;
1-0(38) Rawlings 2190 -- Dunn 2200, ICCF Email 1997.
- 5.g3 Be7 6.Bg2 OO 7.OO Nd7 8.e4 N5b6 9.a4 a5 10.Qe2 Re8 11.Rd1 Nb8 1-0(28) Agzamov 2390 -- Samaganov 2200, Moscow RUS 1979;
7...Nc6 8.e4 Nf6 9.Nc3 b6 10.a3 Bb7 11.Re1 Re8 1-0(19) Flumbort 2359 -- Plecsko 2169, Zalakaros 2001;
5...Bb4+ 6.Bd2 Bxd2+ 7.Qxd2 OO 8.Bg2 Qe7 9.OO c6 10.e4 Nc7 11.Nc3 b6 1-0(30) Szakacs 2010 -- Nagy 2002, HUN 2001.
5.Nc3 Bb4 6.Bd2 OO 7.e4 Nf6 8.e5 Bxc3 9.bxc3 Ne4 10.Bd3 Nxd2 11.Nxd2 c5 0-1(37) Meissner -- Fohler 2350, Ladenburg 1992;
5...Bd6 6.e4 Nxc3 7.bxc3 c5 8.e5 Be7 9.Bd3 cxd4 10.cxd4 Nc6 11.Be3 h6 1-0(28) Zechner 2000 -- Sinka 2045, Caorle ITA 1989.
5.a3 c5 6.e4 Nf6 7.Nc3 a6 8.Bg5 cxd4 9.Qxd4 Qxd4 10.Nxd4 Nbd7 11.f3 Be7 1-0(30) Servaty 2290 -- Escher 2033, Bad Wiessee GER 1999.
- 5...Nb6 6.Nc3 Be7 7.Bd3 Nc6 8.OO Nd7 9.Bf4 a6 10.Rc1 Bd6 11.e5 Bb4 1-0(45) Lybin 2410 -- Cierny 2005, Prievidza 1998;
7...OO 8.Be3 Nc6 9.Rc1 Re8 10.e5 Nd7 11.h4 b6 1-0(24) Volpinari -- Bukhalaf, Moscow RUS 1994;
7.Be2 OO 8.OO N8d7 9.Bf4 c6 10.Qc2 a5 11.Rad1 Qe8 1-0(24) Golz -- Panggabean, Leipzig GER 1960;
7.Be3 OO 8.Bd3 Nc6 9.a3 Nd7 10.Bc2 Nf6 11.Qd3 g6 0-1(72) Szilagyi 2195 -- Visnyei, HUN 1995;
7.Bf4 a6 8.Rc1 c6 9.Be2 OO 10.OO N8d7 11.Bd3 Nf6 1-0(29) Vokralova -- Wasnetsky, Medellin COL 1974;
6.Bd3 Be7 7.Nc3 c6 8.OO N8d7 9.Re1 OO 10.Qe2 Re8 11.Bf4 Nf8 1-0(48) Henry -- Jones, Siegen GER 1970.
5...Bb4+ 6.Bd2 Bxd2+ 7.Qxd2 Ne7 8.Nc3 Nbc6 9.Be2 h6 10.OO OO 11.Rad1 b6 1-0(30) Colom Casasayas 2275 -- Marcet Bisbale 2330, ESP 1998;
7...Nf6 8.Nc3 OO 9.Bd3 Nc6 10.e5 Ng4 11.h3 Nh6 1-0(21) Leviczki 2210 -- Havasi 2170, HUN 2002.
- 6.Bd3 c5 7.OO Nc6 8.Bg5 Qb6 9.Nc3 cxd4 10.Nb5 Bd7 11.a4 Bc5 =-=(49) Bjerke 2093 -- Thorstensen 2233, Asker NOR 2003;
8.e5 Nd5 9.Nc3 cxd4 10.Ne2 Bd7 11.Nexd4 Nxd4 1-0(43) Waldowski 2180 -- McMahon 2020, USA 1991;
6...Bb4+ 7.Nc3 OO 8.e5 Nc6 9.exf6 Qxf6 10.Bg5 Qf5 11.Bxf5 exf5 1-0(14) MacDonald -- Wang Puchen, Auckland NZL 1998.
- 6...Bb4 7.Bd3 h6 8.OO OO 9.Bc2 Nc6 10.a3 Ba5 11.e5 Ne8 1-0(19) Pietrobono 2493 -- Del Gobbo 2477, LADAC Email 2001;
7...Bxc3+ 8.bxc3 OO 9.e5 Nd5 10.Bxh7+ Kxh7 11.Ng5+ Kg6 1-0(12) Ponomarev 2392 -- Pereira, ICCF email 2000.
6...c5 7.d5 exd5 8.e5 d4 9.Bc4 Be6 10.Bxe6 fxe6 11.exf6 dxc3 1-0(12) Sanchez Jimenez 2226 -- Angeles Cano 2122, Mancha Real 2001.
6...h6 7.Be2 c5 8.d5 exd5 9.exd5 Bd6 10.OO OO 11.Nd2 Re8 0-1(39) Zinani -- Capurro, Bologna 1987.
- 7.Bc4 c6 8.OO Nbd7 9.Qe2 c5 10.e5 Ng8 11.d5 exd5 1-0(36) Stull 2255 -- Abbou, Skopje MKD 1972;
8.a4 b6 9.Qe2 Bb7 10.OO OO 11.Rd1 Qc8 =-=(72) Fournarakos 2150 -- Prassas, Athens GRE 1997.
7.Bg5 Nc6 8.Bb5 Bd7 9.OO a6 10.Bxc6 Bxc6 11.Qd3 h6 1-0(42) Vecek -- Sustarsic, Slovenia 1992.
- 7...h6 8.OO OO 9.Qe2 c5 10.d5 exd5 11.exd5 Re8 1-0(37) Carneiro 2245 -- Francisco, Portugal 1997.
7...Nc6 8.OO OO 9.Bc2 b6 10.a3 Ba6 11.Re1 Qc8 1-0(43) Petrovic 2193 -- Andrejevic 2009, Belgrade SCG 2003.
- 11.a3 c5 1-0(33) Barbero 2510 -- Szonyi, Lenk SUI 1993.
- 5.g3 Bg7 6.Bg2 OO 7.OO Nc6 8.Nc3 Nb6 9.e3 a5 10.b3 Bf5 11.Ba3 Re8 =-=(61) Najdorf 2525 -- Ljubojevic 2565, Manila PHI 1973;
7...b6 8.Nc3 Bb7 9.e3 e6 10.Bd2 Nd7 11.Rc1 c5 =-=(20) Liascovich 2340 -- Obregon 2268, Buenos Aires ARG 2003;
7...c6 8.Nc3 Nd7 9.e4 N5b6 10.Qc2 Nf6 11.h3 h6 1-0(24) Chetverik 2300 -- Kebis 2125, Bratislava SVK 1998;
6...Nc6 7.OO Nb6 8.e3 e5 9.dxe5 Qxd1 10.Rxd1 Nxe5 11.Nd4 c5 1-0(34) Polugaevsky -- Letelier, Mar del Plata ARG 1962.
5.e3 Bg7 6.Nc3 Nxc3 7.bxc3 c5 8.Be2 OO 9.OO Nc6 10.Qb3 Qc7 11.Ba3 Na5 0-1(24) Fairbairn 2052 -- Wilson 2072, Geneva SUI 2005.
- 5...Nf6 6.Nc3 Bg7 7.Bg5 c6 8.Qd2 OO 9.h3 Nbd7 10.Be2 Re8 11.OO Qa5 0-1(50) Vinje-Gulbrandsen -- Badilles, Tel Aviv ISR 1964;
7.h3 OO 8.Bc4 e6 9.OO c6 10.Bg5 Qb6 11.Bb3 Nbd7 1-0(18) Taylor 2435 -- Pope 2265, ICCF Email 1997.
- 6.Be3 Bg7 7.Nc3 OO 8.Qd2 Bg4 9.Ng5 Nc6 10.h3 Bc8 11.Nf3 f5 =-=(74) Porath -- Letelier, Leipzig GER 1960;
7.Nbd2 OO 8.Qb3 a5 9.Rc1 a4 10.Qc3 c6 11.Nc4 N8d7 0-1(42) Vasconcelos -- Reyes, LINARES UECC 1999;
6...Bg4 7.Nc3 Bg7 8.Qd2 OO 9.Be2 Bxf3 10.gxf3 Nc6 11.OOO e5 =-=(55) Herraiz Hidalgo -- Toledano Llinares 2380, Canete 1994.
6.Be2 Bg7 7.OO OO 8.Nc3 Bg4 9.Be3 Nc6 10.d5 Bxf3 11.gxf3 Ne5 =-=(48) Henneberke -- Wade, Zevenaar 1961;
8...c6 9.a4 Re8 10.a5 N6d7 11.Bc4 Nf8 1-0(28) Kaminik 2179 -- Neumann, Gladenbach GER 1999;
8.a4 a5 9.h3 Be6 10.Na3 Na6 11.Be3 Nb4 =-=(44) Kolarov -- Slavov, Primorsko 1973.
6.Bb5+ c6 7.Be2 Bg7 8.h3 OO 9.Nc3 N8d7 10.a4 a5 11.Be3 Nf6 0-1(44) Schneider -- Mustafa 2102, Frankfurt GER 2001.
6.a4 a5 7.Be3 Bg7 8.Nc3 Bg4 9.Be2 Nc6 10.d5 Bxf3 11.Bxf3 Ne5 =-=(26) Arslan -- Werner, CIF corr 1990.
- 7.Bb5+ c6 8.Be2 OO 9.OO N8d7 10.Nc3 e5 11.Bg5 Qe8 0-1(49) Ristic 2200 -- Nikolic 2350, 4. Gosa Smederevska Palanka Y 1978.
- 8.Be3 c6 9.Qd2 a5 10.Rd1 a4 11.Be2 a3 1-0(26) Hjelm 2335 -- Mrugala, ICCF corr 1995;
8...Nc6 9.Qd2 Na5 10.b3 c6 11.Be2 Be6 1-0(38) Kaiser 2400 -- Todor 2160, Passau 1998.
- 8...c6 9.OO Be6 10.Bf4 Bc4 11.Bxc4 Nxc4 1-0(36) Jorgensen -- Oksanen, ICCF corr 1997.
- 9.Be3 e5 10.d5 Ne7 11.OO Nd7 1-0(18) Gonzalez 2200 -- Suarez 2285, Argentina 1996.
- 11.a5 N6d7 0-1(32) Bielicki -- Letelier, Mar del Plata ARG 1960.
- 6...Bg4 7.Be2 Bg7 8.Be3 OO 9.OO Nc6 10.d5 Bxf3 11.Bxf3 Ne5 1-0(26) Liardet 2340 -- Bieri 2141, Geneva SUI 2005;
7.Bb5+ c6 8.Be2 Bg7 9.Be3 OO 10.OO N8d7 11.Rc1 Bf6 1-0(26) Penafiel Lopez -- Cueto Aller, ESP 1995.
- 7.Be3 OO 8.g3 Bg4 9.Bg2 Nc4 10.Qb3 Nxe3 11.fxe3 Nd7 0-1(42) Chemin -- Toth, Blumenau 1972;
8.h3 c6 9.Qd2 Re8 10.Bh6 Bh8 11.Rd1 Qd6 1-0(18) Kolvig -- Norby, Holstebro 1964.
- 7...c6 8.Be2 Be6 9.OO Bc4 10.Bxc4 Nxc4 11.Qe2 Nb6 =-=(33) Press 2070 -- Mukabi 2105, Calvia ESP 2004.
- 8.Be3 c6 9.Qd2 N8d7 10.Be2 e5 11.OOO exd4 =-=(17) Price 2064 -- Billion 2071, IECG email 2002.
- 11.OO Nxc5 1-0(90) Grabarczyk 2275 -- Kula 2305, Bielsko Biala 1991.
- 4...Nb4 5.Qa4+ N8c6 6.d5 Nxd5 7.exd5 Qxd5 8.Nc3 Qd6 9.Nf3 Bd7 10.Nb5 Qb4+ 11.Qxb4 Nxb4 1-0(29) Thompson 2200 -- Reussner 2200, Nice FRA 1974.
- 5.Be3 g6 6.Nc3 Bg7 7.Qd2 OO 8.Rd1 Nc6 9.f4 Bg4 10.Nf3 e6 11.Bb5 Bxf3 =-=(72) Larrea 2224 -- Sancristobal, Montevideo URU 2004;
7.h3 c6 8.Nf3 Be6 9.Ng5 Bc4 10.Bxc4 Nxc4 11.Qb3 b5 1-0(14) Noble 2240 -- Cooper 2055, Wanganui 1998;
5...e6 6.Nf3 c5 7.Bb5+ N6d7 8.OO Qa5 9.Nc3 a6 10.Be2 cxd4 11.Nxd4 Be7 1-0(36) Heinatz 2225 -- Rieder, GER 1993;
6...Bb4+ 7.Nc3 OO 8.a3 Be7 9.Ne5 N8d7 10.Qb3 Bf6 11.OOO Qe7 1-0(35) Khechumyan 2227 -- Baraz 2043, Budapest HUN 2001;
5...N8d7 6.Qc2 c6 7.Nd2 e5 8.Ngf3 Bd6 9.a4 a5 10.Be2 OO 11.OO exd4 =-=(55) Mira 2170 -- Mai, tt w 1998.
5.Be2 e6 6.Nc3 Be7 7.Nf3 N8d7 8.Bf4 c5 9.Nb5 e5 10.dxe5 a6 11.Nd6+ Bxd6 1-0(31) Kushnir 2365 -- Leyva, Haifa ISR 1976;
6.Be3 N8d7 7.Nf3 Be7 8.OO OO 9.Qc2 Re8 10.Rd1 c6 11.Nc3 Nf8 1-0(23) McMahon -- Pinkerton, Dublin IRL 1991.
5.h3 e6 6.Nf3 Bb4+ 7.Bd2 Nc6 8.Bb5 Bd7 9.Bxc6 Bxd2+ 10.Nbxd2 Bxc6 11.OO OO 1-0(51) Prescha -- Oschetzki 2215, Rheinland-Pfalz GER 1988.
5.Ne2 g6 6.Nec3 Bg7 7.Be3 OO 8.Be2 e5 9.d5 f5 10.exf5 Bxf5 11.OO Kh8 1-0(57) Suranyi 2136 -- Mieli 2058, HUN 2000.
- 5...g6 6.Nc3 Bg7 7.h3 Nc6 8.Be3 OO 9.Be2 f5 10.d5 Ne5 11.Nxe5 Bxe5 1-0(32) Burgos -- Burgos, Mar del Plata ARG 1992;
6.h3 Bg7 7.Nc3 OO 8.Be3 N8d7 9.a4 a5 10.Qb3 Nb8 11.Rd1 N6d7 1-0(30) Kiesekamp 2165 -- Duchrow, GER 1998;
6.Be2 Bg7 7.OO Bg4 8.Be3 c5 9.dxc5 Qxd1 10.Rxd1 Bxb2 11.Nbd2 Bxa1 =-=(33) Laczay 2045 -- Migliorini 2000, RA.2001.0.00002 2001.
- 6.Be3 e6 7.Nc3 c6 8.Bd3 Bd6 9.h3 Bxf3 10.Qxf3 Qf6 11.Qxf6 gxf6 =-=(28) Rylander 2141 -- Becker, Malmo SWE 1999;
7...Be7 8.Bd3 OO 9.h3 Bh5 10.OO Nc6 11.Be2 Bf6 =-=(63) Kovacs 2145 -- Balogh 2000, Miskolc 1999.
- 6...c6 7.Bf4 e6 8.Nc3 Be7 9.OO OO 10.Ne5 Bxe2 11.Qxe2 f6 0-1(40) Winter 2000 -- Espig 2000, Halle GER 1976.
- 8...OO 9.Ne5 Bxe2 10.Qxe2 N8d7 11.Nxd7 Qxd7 =-=(46) Constantinou 2070 -- Santos 2058, Lemesos 2000.
- 11.Qb3 c6 1-0(35) Khechen 2250 -- Pilapil 2205, Thessaloniki GRE 1984.
- 5...c6 6.Bc4 g6 7.h3 Bg7 8.Nf3 OO 9.OO Qc7 10.Bg5 Be6 11.Qc1 N8d7 1-0(43) Cherepkov 2415 -- Knopp, St Petersburg RUS 1992;
6.h3 e6 7.Be3 N8d7 8.Nf3 Be7 9.a4 Nf6 10.Be2 OO 11.OO Nbd7 1-0(30) Palus 2385 -- Wrabel 2040, Poland 1998.
5...e5 6.d5 Bb4 7.Bd3 OO 8.Ne2 c6 9.OO cxd5 10.Nxd5 Nxd5 11.exd5 Nd7 1-0(21) Alekhine -- Stephan, Czechoslovakia 1925.
5...c5 6.Bb5+ Nc6 7.dxc5 Qxd1+ 8.Kxd1 Nd7 9.Be3 e6 10.Na4 a6 11.Be2 Be7 1-0(32) Trikaliotis 2235 -- Geroukalis, Athens GRE 1997.
- 6.Be3 c6 7.f4 Be7 8.Nf3 N8d7 9.Bd3 Nf6 10.h3 Nbd7 11.OO h6 0-1(79) Stanimirovic 2320 -- Veljkovic 2280, Nis YUG 1993;
7.Bd3 N8d7 8.a4 Nf6 9.h3 Qc7 10.Rc1 Bb4 11.Nf3 Nbd7 1-0(23) Velvart 2225 -- Derera 2165, HUN 1990;
6...Bb4 7.Qb3 Be7 8.Nf3 N8d7 9.a4 Nf6 10.a5 Nbd7 11.e5 Ng4 1-0(25) Chang -- Morihama, Registo 1999;
6...N8d7 7.Nf3 Be7 8.Rc1 OO 9.Bd3 c5 10.OO cxd4 11.Bxd4 Bc5 0-1(30) Popczynski 2140 -- Skorobogaty, Koszalin POL 1997.
6.a3 c5 7.d5 exd5 8.exd5 Be7 9.Nf3 Bf5 10.Be2 OO 11.OO N8d7 1-0(27) Armbruster -- Rech, Osnabrueck 1994;
6...Be7 7.Nf3 h6 8.Bd3 OO 9.OO c6 10.b4 N8d7 11.Re1 a5 0-1(34) Ullrich -- Mueller, Mehlingen 1992.
6.Bf4 Bd6 7.Bg3 Nc6 8.Nf3 a6 9.Be2 OO 10.Bxd6 Qxd6 11.Qd2 Rd8 0-1(73) Wagner -- Ziemann, Rinteln 1994.
- 6...c5 7.Bb5+ Bd7 8.d5 exd5 9.exd5 Bxb5 10.Nxb5 a6 11.Bg5 f6 0-1(24) Huss 2255 -- Lebermann, Hofbieber 1996;
7.Be3 cxd4 8.Nxd4 g6 9.Be2 Bg7 10.Ndb5 Qxd1+ 11.Rxd1 Na6 =-=(28) Johansson -- Tiihonen, Helsinki FIN 1997.
6...Bb4 7.Bd3 Bxc3+ 8.bxc3 OO 9.Bf4 Qd7 10.Ne5 Qa4 11.Qg4 g6 1-0(18) Kovacs -- Takacs, Megyei ifjusagi es s 1996;
7.Bf4 Bxc3+ 8.bxc3 N8d7 9.c4 Nf8 10.d5 Qe7 11.d6 cxd6 1-0(24) Janata 2045 -- Schmidt, Rommelshausen 2002.
6...g6 7.h4 Bg7 8.Be3 N6d7 9.Qd2 Qe7 10.OOO c5 11.d5 exd5 1-0(16) Gonzalez Garcia -- Gonzalez Coto, ESP 1991.
6...c6 7.Bd3 N8d7 8.OO Be7 9.Qe2 Nf6 10.Rd1 Bd7 11.Bg5 h6 1-0(47) Nogin 2320 -- Bezuglaya 2105, Kiev UKR 1998.
6...N8d7 7.Bd3 Nf6 8.OO Be7 9.Bf4 c6 10.Rc1 OO 11.Bb1 Nh5 1-0(26) Kovacs 2145 -- Hadrik, Zemplen 1998.
- 7.Be3 N8d7 8.Be2 OO 9.OO c5 10.Rc1 cxd4 11.Nxd4 Ne5 0-1(40) Mincsovics 2230 -- Linczer, HUN 1994;
7...OO 8.Be2 N8d7 9.OO c5 10.Qd2 cxd4 11.Nxd4 Ne5 1-0(29) Karsten -- Kraft 2230, Baunatal GER 1999.
7.Be2 OO 8.OO c5 9.Be3 cxd4 10.Nxd4 a6 11.Qb3 N8d7 1-0(32) Harasta 2196 -- Hegedus, Bratislava SVK 1999;
8...N8d7 9.Qc2 c6 10.Bf4 f6 11.Rfd1 Rf7 1-0(33) Lopez Colon -- Perez, Las Palmas ESP 1993.
- 7...Bd7 8.OO Nc8 9.Qb3 b6 10.Bf4 Nc6 11.Rfd1 Nd6 1-0(42) Alekhine -- Blanco Sanjuan, France 1923.
7...c6 8.OO N8d7 9.Re1 Nf6 10.Bg5 h6 11.Bxf6 Bxf6 1-0(43) Kouatly -- Slimani, Tjentiste 1975.
- 8.Be3 N8d7 9.OO c5 10.Qe2 cxd4 11.Bxd4 Bc5 0-1(32) Senni 2081 -- Videkovic 2009, Cannes FRA 2000.
- 11.Bc7 Qe8 0-1(49) Lajdi 2130 -- Linczer 2250, HUN 1997.
- 6.h3 Bg7 7.Nf3 OO 8.Be2 Nc6 9.Be3 Na5 10.OO Nac4 11.Bf4 Nxb2 1-0(35) Lemanczyk -- Borst, Leiden NED 1994;
8...c6 9.Bf4 N8d7 10.OO Re8 11.Qc2 Nf8 =-=(58) De los Santos 2190 -- Alvarez 2243, Santo Domingo 2001;
7...Be6 8.d5 Bc8 9.Be3 OO 10.Bd4 f6 11.a4 c6 1-0(61) Bagaturov 2489 -- Suppa 2126, Porto San Giorgio 2001.
6.Nf3 Bg7 7.Be2 Bg4 8.Be3 OO 9.OO Bxf3 10.Bxf3 Nc4 11.e5 Nxe3 0-1(34) Barkhagen 2400 -- Koka, Geneva SUI 1995;
6...Bg4 7.Be2 Bg7 8.Be3 Bxf3 9.Bxf3 Nc6 10.d5 Ne5 11.Be2 OO =-=(37) Repasi 2045 -- Lakat 2016, Budapest HUN 2002.
6.Bd3 Bg7 7.Nge2 OO 8.Bc2 Nc6 9.d5 Nb4 10.Bb3 c6 11.a3 Na6 =-=(39) Ojanen -- Letelier, Leipzig GER 1960;
8.Be3 Nc6 9.e5 Nb4 10.Be4 c6 11.OO N4d5 1-0(28) Stodolova 2025 -- Stepanek 2068, Prague CZE 2005.
6.Bg5 Bg7 7.Nf3 OO 8.Bd3 Bxd4 9.Nxd4 Qxd4 10.Bxe7 Re8 11.Bg5 Nc6 1-0(21) Szuhanek 2410 -- Lukic 2230, Vukovar CRO 2001.
6.a4 a5 7.Be3 Bg7 8.Bb5+ c6 9.Be2 OO 10.h3 Be6 11.Nf3 Nc4 1-0(32) Reyer -- Wandel, Nakensdorf 1995.
6.h4 Bg7 7.Be3 Nc6 8.Bb5 Bd7 9.h5 h6 10.hxg6 fxg6 11.Qd2 a6 1-0(45) Behul -- Hagara, liga2B Piestany 1993.
- 7.h4 Nc6 8.d5 Ne5 9.Nf3 Ng4 10.Bd4 Nf6 11.Bb5+ Bd7 1-0(64) Prudnikova 2411 -- Petronic 2203, Belgrade SCG 1999;
7...h5 8.Bb5+ Bd7 9.Bd3 Nc6 10.f4 e6 11.Nf3 Qe7 0-1(26) Gamarra Caceres -- Chavez Chavez, Corrientes 1985.
7.Qd2 Nc6 8.Rd1 OO 9.Be2 e5 10.Nf3 exd4 11.Nxd4 Nxd4 1-0(43) Polak 2410 -- Podlesny, Karvina 1992;
7...OO 8.Rd1 Nc6 9.h3 e6 10.Nf3 Qe7 11.Bg5 f6 =-=(26) Mifsud 2250 -- Krizsany Laszlo Sr 2273, HUN 2001.
7.Nf3 OO 8.h3 N8d7 9.Qd2 e5 10.Be2 exd4 11.Bxd4 Bxd4 =-=(60) Flohr -- Sultan Khan, London ENG 1932;
8.Qb3 Nc6 9.d5 Ne5 10.Nxe5 Bxe5 11.Rd1 Bd7 1-0(28) Uhlmann 2458 -- Leipert 2133, Leutersdorf 2002.
7.Bb5+ c6 8.Be2 e5 9.dxe5 Qxd1+ 10.Rxd1 Bxe5 11.Nf3 Bg7 1-0(35) Prudnikova 2385 -- Skibbe 2065, GER 1996.
7.Rc1 OO 8.a4 Nc6 9.Nf3 Bg4 10.d5 Ne5 11.b3 c6 1-0(37) Kincs 2230 -- Csonka 2020, Zalakaros 1995.
7.a4 OO 8.a5 N6d7 9.Bc4 c5 10.d5 Ne5 11.Bb3 c4 1-0(34) Padilla Liceaga 2164 -- Lopez Aguilar, Mexico City MEX 2000.
- 8...Be6 9.Be2 Bc4 10.OO e6 11.Bg5 f6 1-0(21) Kuzmin 2465 -- Markovic 2300, Pancevo 1989.
- 9.a4 Be6 10.Be2 Bc4 11.OO Bxe2 =-=(17) Cervenka 2310 -- Husek 2200, Piestany 1985.
9.Qd2 Re8 10.Rd1 N8d7 11.Be2 Nf6 1-0(41) Starke 2250 -- Hierholzer, GER 1997.
- 11.Rc1 N8d7 =-=(23) Bachtiar 2390 -- Ardiansyah 2380, Manila PHI 1979.
- 5.e5 Nd5 6.Bc4 e6 7.Nf3 Be7 8.OO OO 9.Qe2 b6 10.Nbd2 Bb7 11.Ne4 Nd7 1-0(39) Sherbakov 2580 -- Skatchkov 2370, Novgorod RUS 1997;
7.Nc3 c6 8.Nf3 b5 9.Bd3 Nd7 10.OO Nxc3 11.bxc3 Be7 1-0(40) Furman 2261 -- Grich, Tatranske Zruby SVK 2000;
6...Nc6 7.Nf3 Nb6 8.Bb3 Bg4 9.Ng5 Bxd1 10.Bxf7+ Kd7 11.Be6+ =-= Banikas 2530 -- Mastrovasilis 2493, Athens GRE 2003;
6.Nf3 e6 7.Bg5 Be7 8.Bxe7 Qxe7 9.Nc3 OO 10.Bd3 Rd8 11.OO Nd7 0-1(42) Tregubov 2525 -- Skatchkov 2370, Smolensk RUS 1997;
6...Bg4 7.Be2 e6 8.OO c6 9.Nc3 Nxc3 10.bxc3 Be7 11.h3 Bh5 1-0(35) Armanda 2343 -- Bradaric 2109, Omis 2005;
6.Nc3 c5 7.Bc4 Nxc3 8.bxc3 cxd4 9.cxd4 Nc6 10.Nf3 e6 11.OO Be7 1-0(21) Mohr 2400 -- Schwab, Aosta 1988;
6...e6 7.Nf3 Bb4 8.Bd2 Nc6 9.Bd3 Nde7 10.OO Ba5 11.Qe2 Bb6 1-0(29) Belis 2138 -- Stulrajter 2254, Slovakia 2002.
5.f3 e6 6.Be3 Be7 7.Bc4 OO 8.Nc3 Nbd7 9.Nge2 c6 10.OO e5 11.Bb3 exd4 1-0(26) Garcia -- Ahmed, Aviles ESP 1991.
- 5...Nc6 6.Nf3 Bg4 7.d5 Bxf3 8.gxf3 Ne5 9.Bb5+ c6 10.Bf4 Nxf3+ 11.Qxf3 cxb5 1-0(20) Alekhine -- NN, Paris FRA 1925;
6.Ne2 e6 7.OO Be7 8.Nbc3 OO 9.e5 Ne8 10.a3 g6 11.Bc2 b6 1-0(33) Djubek -- Faltan, Bratislava SVK 1982.
5...e6 6.Nf3 Bb4+ 7.Nc3 OO 8.OO Be7 9.Qe2 Nbd7 10.e5 Nd5 11.Qe4 f5 1-0(41) Fronczek 2279 -- Wiemer 2091, Bad Segeberg 2002.
- 7.Bb5+ c6 8.Qxd8+ Kxd8 9.Be2 Nxe5 10.Nf3 Bb4+ 11.Nc3 Nxf3+ =-=(22) Cody 2360 -- Muschalek, ICCF Email 1996;
=-=(22) Cody 2360 -- Muschalek, EM/M/GT/A001 1996.
- 8.Qb3 Bb4+ 9.Bd2 OO 10.Bxb4 Nxb4 11.Qxb4 Qxd3 1-0(23) Mroz -- Jasak, PL corr 1992.
- 11.Nxe5 Qxe5 1-0(30) Alekhine -- Marshall, Baden-Baden GER 1925.
10...Ngxe5 11.Nxe5 Nxe5 1-0(47) Colle -- Koltanowski, Belgium 1925.
- 5...g6 6.Bc4 Nc6 7.Nge2 Bg7 8.e5 Nh5 9.h3 Nxe5 10.dxe5 Qxd1+ 11.Nxd1 Bxe5 1-0(32) Ljubojevic 2610 -- Mueller, Zurich SUI 1988;
6...e6 7.Bg5 Be7 8.Bh6 Bf8 9.Bxf8 Kxf8 10.Nf3 Nc6 11.OO Kg7 1-0(29) Hernando Rodrigo 2325 -- Llopis de Aysa 2000, ESP 1994;
6...c6 7.Qb3 e6 8.Bg5 h6 9.Be3 b5 10.Bd3 Bg7 11.Nge2 OO 1-0(30) Denayer 2215 -- Colin Mancera, Cappelle la Grande FRA 1995;
6.g3 c6 7.Bg2 Bg4 8.Nge2 Bg7 9.OO OO 10.Be3 Na6 11.h3 Bxe2 1-0(36) Stark 2184 -- Holderer 2235, GER 2003.
5...Nc6 6.Bb5 Bd7 7.Nf3 a6 8.Bxc6 Bxc6 9.d5 Bd7 10.e5 Ng4 11.h3 Nh6 1-0(29) Khanov 2216 -- Sushkov 2275, Tula RUS 2004;
6.Nf3 Bg4 7.Bb5 a6 8.Bxc6+ bxc6 9.Qa4 Bd7 10.Ne5 c5 11.Qc4 e6 1-0(20) Kovacs -- Braun, Sarospatak 1995;
6.d5 Ne5 7.f4 Ng6 8.e5 Ng8 9.Be3 e6 10.Bb5+ Bd7 11.dxe6 fxe6 1-0(22) Torres 2240 -- Toro Benaderet 2051, Santiago CHI 2005.
5...Bg4 6.f3 Bh5 7.Bc4 Nc6 8.Nge2 e6 9.OO Bb4 10.Bg5 h6 11.Be3 Qe7 =-=(60) Dubinsky -- Bazant 2335, Svetla 1998;
7.g4 Bg6 8.h4 h5 9.g5 Nfd7 10.Nge2 Bh7 11.Qb3 Nb6 1-0(21) Litynska 2415 -- De Linde 2020, Thessaloniki GRE 1988;
6...Bd7 7.Bc4 Nc6 8.Nge2 e5 9.d5 Ne7 10.Be3 Ng6 11.OO Bd6 =-=(33) Vera 2100 -- Bachmann, Asunicon 1999.
5...a6 6.Nf3 h6 7.Bc4 e6 8.OO Nc6 9.a3 Be7 10.Ba2 OO 11.Re1 e5 1-0(39) Turner 2220 -- Biringanine 2200, Buenos Aires ARG 1978.
- 6.Nf3 b6 7.Bc4 e6 8.OO Be7 9.Bf4 OO 10.Qc2 Na6 11.a3 Nh5 1-0(36) Peddie 2315 -- Zwaneveld 2073, IECG email 2000;
6...Bg4 7.Be2 e6 8.Bg5 Be7 9.a4 Qa5 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 11.OO OO 0-1(41) Kolendo 2130 -- Jonczyk, Nadole 1994.
6.Be2 Nbd7 7.Nf3 e6 8.OO Be7 9.Be3 b5 10.d5 exd5 11.exd5 Nxd5 1-0(15) Halasz 2260 -- Talos 2245, HUN 1999.
- 7...Qa5 8.Bd2 Qd8 9.Bg5 Qb6 10.Qd2 h6 11.Be3 Bb4 =-=(24) Szeberenyi 2257 -- Szuhai 2160, HUN 2000.
- 11.Rd1 Nf8 1-0(31) Weetik 2365 -- Vager 2174, St Petersburg RUS 2000.
- 6.d5 Bc5 7.Be2 c6 8.Nf3 cxd5 9.Bg5 d4 10.Nd5 Be7 11.Nxe7 Qxe7 0-1(53) Marshall -- Gunsberg, Monte Carlo MNC 1902;
9.exd5 e4 10.Nxe4 Nxd5 11.Nxc5 Qa5+ 1-0(17) Valenzuela Fuentealba 2414 -- Sepulveda 2207, Santiago CHI 2002;
8...Qb6 9.OO Ng4 10.Qe1 Qc7 11.Bd2 OO 1-0(24) Pfleger -- Zapfl, GER 1992;
7.Bg5 Bg4 8.Be2 Bxe2 9.Qxe2 Nbd7 10.Nf3 OO 11.OO h6 1-0(37) Janowski -- Cohn, Munich GER 1900;
6...c6 7.Nf3 Bb4 8.Bg5 Qa5 9.Bxf6 Bxc3+ 10.bxc3 Qxc3+ 11.Nd2 gxf6 1-0(71) Pavlovic 2300 -- Vujovic 2245, Belgrade SCG 1989;
8.Qa4 Qa5 9.Qxa5 Bxa5 10.Bd2 OO 11.Bc4 Bxc3 =-=(23) Scarani 2060 -- Naumovic 2270, WCH3/A2 SEMI 1998;
7.Bg5 Bb4 8.Bxf6 Qxf6 9.Bc4 Qg6 10.Qf3 cxd5 11.Bxd5 Nc6 =-=(47) Bender 2280 -- Zapfl, Baden 1996;
6...a6 7.Be2 Bd6 8.Nf3 Bg4 9.Nd2 Bxe2 10.Qxe2 OO 11.OO Re8 =-=(41) Kecskes 2148 -- Sandor 2105, HUN 1999.
6.dxe5 Qxd1+ 7.Kxd1 Ng4 8.Nd5 Kd7 9.Nh3 c6 10.Nc3 Nxe5 11.f4 Ng4 =-=(56) Steinitz -- Gunsberg, ? 1890;
8...Nxf2+ 9.Ke2 Nxh1 10.Nxc7+ Kd8 11.Nxa8 Bg4+ 1-0(46) Djubek 2280 -- Krajnak, Bratislava SVK 1992;
8.Ke1 Bc5 9.f3 Nf2 10.Na4 Nxh1 11.Nxc5 Nd7 0-1(40) Banduka -- Krajnak 2255, Slovakia 1997.
6.Bg5 Qxd4 7.Qxd4 exd4 8.Bxf6 dxc3 9.Bxc3 Be6 10.Nf3 Nd7 11.Nd4 Nc5 1-0(59) Struik 2206 -- Berg 2157, Hengelo NED 2005.
- 7.Nxd4 Bc5 8.Be3 OO 9.Ne6 Bxe6 10.Bxc5 Re8 11.Be2 Qxd1+ =-=(56) Merilo -- Schelleman, ICCF corr 1998.
- 8...Bc5 9.Ndb5 Na6 10.Bf4 OO 11.Bxc7 Re8 1-0(22) Schmuckermair 2326 -- Louro 2268, ICCF Email 2001.
8...c5 9.Ndb5 Na6 10.e5 Nd7 11.Nd5 Rb8 1-0(40) Mende 2000 -- Oancea 2000, IECG email 2000.
- 9...OO 10.Nb5 Ba5 11.Bf4 Na6 =-=(62) Dieu 2295 -- Neri, France 1997;
1-0(53) Beck 2225 -- Dunn 2200, ICCF email 1997;
1-0(53) Beck 2225 -- Dunn 2200, ICCF email 1997.
9...a6 10.Bf4 c5 11.Nc2 Be6 1-0(47) Ilincic 2470 -- Vencl 2310, Arandjelovac 1991.
- 10.Be2 OO 11.OO Re8 =-=(63) Pons Sastre 2305 -- Toledano Llinares 2380, Cala Galdana ESP 1994.
10.Be3 Nbd7 11.Be2 Nf8 1-0(62) Certek 2290 -- Krajnak, Bratislava SVK 1992.
- 11.OOO h6 1-0(39) Kotov -- Ragozin, Leningrad RUS 1956.
- 6.Bg5 Be7 7.Nf3 h6 8.Bh4 Nxe4 9.Bxe7 Nxc3 10.bxc3 Qxe7 11.Bd3 OO 0-1(30) Kovacs -- Zabiak, Megyei ifjusagi es s 1996;
8.Bf4 OO 9.Qc2 c5 10.Rd1 Qa5 11.d5 exd5 0-1(45) Garcia -- Gonzalez, Armenia 1992;
7...OO 8.Rc1 Nbd7 9.e5 Nd5 10.Nxd5 Bxg5 11.Nxg5 exd5 0-1(29) Orsagova 2235 -- Kovacova 2020, Trencin 1995;
8.Bd3 Re8 9.Qc2 h6 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 11.e5 Be7 1-0(29) Padilla Liceaga 2000 -- Sanchez 2000, Mexico City MEX 1995;
7...c6 8.Be2 Nd5 9.Bxe7 Nxe7 10.OO OO 11.Qc2 Nd7 1-0(70) Czegledi 2215 -- Cseh 2275, HUN 1997;
7...Nbd7 8.Bd3 b6 9.Qc2 h6 10.Bh4 Bb7 11.OO OO 1-0(53) Kolbe 2030 -- Salden, Rostock GER 2002.
6.Be3 Be7 7.Nf3 a6 8.Bd3 Nbd7 9.h3 b6 10.OO Bb7 11.Qe2 OO 1-0(49) Belamaric 2215 -- Bradaric 2210, Kastel Stari CRO 1997;
6...Bb4 7.f3 Bxc3+ 8.bxc3 h6 9.Bd3 OO 10.Ne2 Qe7 11.g4 e5 1-0(33) Petri 2192 -- Raetsch 2120, Frankfurt GER 2000;
6...c6 7.h3 Nbd7 8.Nf3 Bb4 9.Bd3 Qa5 10.Qc2 e5 11.OO exd4 1-0(27) Vybiral 2205 -- Schmid, Czechia 1999.
6.g3 Be7 7.Bg2 OO 8.Nge2 c5 9.OO cxd4 10.Nxd4 Nbd7 11.Re1 Nc5 0-1(21) Foulon -- Gomez Esteban, Dubai UAE 1986;
8...c6 9.OO Nbd7 10.b3 Re8 11.Bb2 b6 0-1(63) Johansson 2109 -- Vager 2183, Helsinki FIN 2002.
- 6...Nbd7 7.Bd3 c5 8.d5 exd5 9.e5 Ng4 10.OO d4 11.Nb5 a6 1-0(45) Krizsany 2385 -- Fischer, BSJ Fideturnier Schw 1994;
8...Nb6 9.d6 Bd7 10.Nb5 Bxb5 11.Bxb5+ Nbd7 1-0(14) Szalanczy 2365 -- Herendi, Velden GER 1993;
7.Bg5 Be7 8.Qc2 h6 9.Bh4 OO 10.Rd1 b6 11.Be2 Bb7 1-0(48) Dekusar 2230 -- Rudakova, Alushta UKR 1999.
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